Those first few weeks with your new baby are exhausting. You may pray they go by quickly so you can get some relief from the spit up, dirty diapers, crying & sleepless nights. I truly believe Trace Adkins said it best with his song, “You’re gonna miss this”. You’re gonna miss this You’re gonna want this back You’re gonna wish these days Hadn’t gone by so fast. It really does go by in the blink of an eye. Everyone says it & you may not believe it yet, but you will. I’ve been there too. My kids are all grown up & the moments that they actually need me are rare these days. I constantly question where the years went since I brought those sweet babies home from the hospital. Why am I telling you all of this? …There are some moments in life where hiring a professional is the best decision you can make. At DHPD, we primarily photograph babies from the newborn stage throughout their first year. This year holds some of the most important milestones in their life. Your baby will grow & change so much… She will learn to roll, sit, stand, walk & talk… her little personality will develop into the future woman she’ll become…
This is the beginning of her entire life… How will you remember it?? I encourage all new parents to invest in professional photography. Professional photographers offer quality imagery in a safe environment. Safe, beautifully styled & edited images to remember these moments are what you should be after. How many of you hate or regret your wedding images? How many of you have never printed the first wedding image from your disk? I would dare say very few. I hear that over and over in this business & it breaks my heart… the most important moments in your life are the ones that you should have hanging in your home. Something to wake up to in the mornings and go to bed to at night. Something that makes you want to thank God for the blessings he's given you. Here in our quaint little boutique portrait studio, we focus on quality rather than quantity. I’ve spent over 10 years in training to “get it right” & I take the time that is needed to give you my very best. I realize custom photography can be a bit pricey, but I promise you this ... it’s totally worth it! Budget friendly options DO exist. If you want the full experience & have to have all of your images, payment plans exist… if you’re happy with a handful of high quality images to remember this stage, there are shorter sessions for that too. We can capture the moment, or we can capture the whole story… that decision is entirely up to you. Regardless of which option you choose, know that you will always get our very best. Love & Blessings, Dena
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November 2019